Thursday 8th September

Friday 9th September

Saturday 10th September
Date: 17 August 2016 at 14:46:55 BST


To all concerned,

Despite our best efforts, we, as organisers have not yet been able to secure the necessary licence to allow us to hold this year's event.

As we are now less than 28 days from the event, it is too much of a risk to ask suppliers and performers at the event to commit their diaries to us in the hope that we are granted the licence. In turn, we are already committed to irrecoverable expense and cannot risk spending further on a 'maybe.' You will appreciate that we do not hold a significant contingency pot, as annually, we distribute all profits to charity.

Therefore, we regret that this year's festival will not go ahead as planned.

In hindsight, we could have begun our application process earlier, however, some of you may appreciate that due to Richard's health issues earlier in the year, we were a little slow out of the blocks and didn't anticipate as much ill will, as was shown by objectors to our licence application. Although we had already secured agreement from all relevant statutory services for example, Police, Fire, Highways and Environmental Services.

We hope you appreciate our position and thank those of you who have supported us in previous years. It is very disappointing that the many charites and organisations, i.e. Belbroughton Primary School, Belbroughton Recreation Centre, Belbroughton Cricket Club, Mary Stevens Hospice, Air Ambulance, Royal British Legion, Cancer Research, British Heart Foundation, and various others who we normally support will not benefit this year.

Richard Bartram & Ron Morgan